Friday, June 29, 2007

Secrets are hard and some news

So, I officially graduated from college (again). I am now a master of education! And now I have another school hounding me for money....

And, we're moving to Salt Lake City on July 22. Goodbye Big Apple, hello Beehive State! So I have a month of bumming around until we leave. Maybe I'll knit something.

On another note, I have not finished my secret sweater for Craig. And now that he is back from the Appalachian Trail it's hard to knit without him knowing. Especially because he is unemployed and is home all the time. But I was able to finish one sleeve and work on another while he was at his parent's house getting cavities filled. I was not, however, able to take pictures. I will have to try and get him to leave the house so I can finish/take pictures. I do really like the way the sweater is coming out, the green is really nice and the yarn is so thick that it will be really warm for those cold Salt Lake City days. I used Kraemer Mauch Chunky in Pinenut for this sweater for those of you who don't know. The yarn is super thick and warm. I made my buttony sweater, sweater vest, and second skirt out of it. And I still have some leftovers of all the colors. Any suggestions on what to use it all in?


Elizabeth said...

There are always mittens. And headbands. (A caloriemtry for you for those cold SLC winters?)

Also, I love that you made a Calorimetry for Kristen. I did too, I think, when she came to visit CA!

Elizabeth said...

Also, PS, Mike and I are moving to Portland on the 13th. Do you have a place in SLC yet?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.